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At Tetherdown School we recognise our statutory responsibilities in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children. We strive to provide a safe and welcoming environment so that children may flourish and develop as happy, engaged and confident individuals. Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and all those directly connected (staff, volunteers, governors, leaders, parents, families and learners) play an important part in making our community safe and secure.

We believe that the best interests of children always come first. All our children are encouraged to voice a concern and opportunities are provided throughout their learning journey to understand how the staff at school can help them best. All our staff understand safe professional practice and adhere to our safeguarding policies, including those relating to safer recruitment.

Link to our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy which is also available on our policy page.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Teresa McMeakin 


Deputy DSL: Annie Ashraf

Deputy DSL: Rachel Gillingham

Deputy DSL: Carmela Capone

Safer Recruitment Statement

Tetherdown Primary School is committed to the protection, safety and welfare of its pupils and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All appointments will be subject to satisfactory background checks, including two references, an enhanced DBS check and an online search in line with KCSIE 2024.  

Our school is committed to equality of opportunity throughout employment (including pay, training & development, recruitment, and retention) and commits to having in place policies and procedures that promote equality and diversity and anti-discriminatory practices.  

The school adheres to an agreed GDPR Policy and Privacy Notice for job applicants in regard to the retention of any personal data. Please refer to our school website Policy pages for details.

Useful Links and Forms